I don't want to be that person that just wants gifts doesn't give gifts but i want to talk about something i would love to get for Christmas.
There are these very limited edition cleats. The Nike CR7 Superfly 4 Limited Edition Cleats (Now) these cleats are very hard to find brand new. These are one of my favorite color ways Nike Cleats had ever had. I currently have the Nike Superfly 4 electro flare . The ones i have are very nice but i would like an upgrade. The CR7 cleats cost around $300-$500 Brand New. They were normally $275- $300 when the came out but now there very hard to find.
My Name (Kamil) comes from Saint Kamil. My mom thought it would be a good name since saint Kamil helped needy and helped everyone. And as well my cousins have names after saints (well most) Patryk, Mikolaj, Jacek, etc.( Polish Names) . My name also stands for being "sexy kid , knows how to party, perfect, and usually a beast at soccer !
-dammn u see this kid all the ladies love him
~yeh no s**t his name is Kamil"
According to Urban dictionary
But people asume that i play soccer just cause of my name . And very little people carry my name so i find that to be very unique in its own way :).
If i HAD to choose a job to do in a school be Math teacher + ( Soccer coach). I find math to kinda be the advanced class . I know it love it don't find it boring, and you get the satisfaction of teaching others. And while teaching math i could teach soccer. I love the sport i'm decent at it and i never get bored playing it . I would love to teach others my tactics, skills , and technics. And to see the joy of kids as they win the championship. They also get to learn the teamwork ship, lifestyle, and the excitement of playing soccer. Math is also an interesting topic its either know it or don't, and for the people that struggle in it , is would be nice to teach them and to make them understand it.