Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Childhood Favorite Thing

When i was younger i didn't really like leaving the house. I Loved to pay soccer in the house, no matter what i was doing. If i wanted a drink of water i would dribble a ball around me house, if was bored i would juggle the ball around. I used to do i for fun but over the years it got into a hobbit. I still do it till this day. No Matter what i did it always happens, I Broke a lamp. I had to work off my debts over the years i maybe owed $300 worth of damages. I lived near a soccer field i would always go shoot around for a little. no matter what. And one day it rained and while coming back i forgot my ball was all muddy until i looked down after 5 minutes and guess what i had to do for an hour. Clean the floor form all the mud.


  1. Hey camil i can relate to this when i was younger all i did was dribble futbols around the house and i even slept with them so early in the morning i goto a field by my house and play before i leave for school.

  2. Hye its Spelled Kamil FYI but lol
